Displaying iPads in the Classroom

Reflector_iPadInsightI have found a great software package  called Reflector which you can download onto your computer to allow students to mirror their iPad’s onto your screen.

The free trial allows you to use it for 10 minutes  and the full version costs  $12.99.

Your computer will need to have a wifi connection.

For me this is fantastic because I do not have Apple TV in my classroom but I do have my laptop, Data Projector and wifi.

I love using this because it not only allows me to display my students work for the whole class to see, it also allows me to take screen shots of their work and save to my computer straight away instead of trying to get my students to email it to me.

I have created an instruction pdf for you to download. Download here Reflector display Instructions.pdf

I would love to hear your thoughts on how you have used this or similar software in your classroom.



Teach to transform!


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